

We are a national network of Muslim Americans working with partners of diverse faiths, ethnic groups and cultures to promote religious and cultural literacy and mutual respect while countering prejudice and discrimination through educational programs and engagement opportunities.

Founded in 1993, Islamic Networks Group (ING), and its affiliates around the country, reach millions of individuals and hundreds of groups a year at the grassroots level by building relationships, understanding, and peaceful communities of all types and backgrounds through various programs. More information about us can be found here.

Our main staff is located in Washington DC, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Due to the pandemic last year, we’re currently working remotely and have use of Regus office spaces throughout the country.  For more information about the organization, visit our about page. Please sign up for our email newsletters, where we’ll announce new positions periodically.

If you wish to volunteer or intern for ING, please write to Education Director Zachary Markwith at [email protected] with your resume and interest area. Please note: due to the volume of applications, we may not respond to each applicant.

ING does not have openings until 2023.

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